
Thursday, March 20, 2008

From Fat Elvis to Skinny Elvis

As you may or may not know, we have a superdog living with us named Elvis. Elvis is a six year old Alaskan Malamute who is skilled at snuggling, opening jars and drawers, chasing cats and taking long naps in his dog house. Three years ago, he weighed in at an unhealthy 162 lbs. With all that fur, who could tell that he was fat? We immediately put him on a diet. As it turned out, both Chris and I were giving him enough treats to equate to six full-sized Snickers bars per day. I just know we'll make great parents some day. Now he's down to a slim 118 lbs with a sweet little waist line which was sadly, hidden for so many years. I think those pesky last few lbs. finally peeled off when we finished our kitchen and Elvis was no longer able to supplement his diet with delicious items from our trash can. Check out the transformation:

Before: Elvis in the backyard after a good summer brushing

After: Elvis, in a slimming Dracula cape, after months of starvation


TNTcoach Ken said...

Too funny! They say owners and their dogs start to look alike, where are the pixs of Chris?

Libbie said...

Before and after Chris photos?! Hilarious! I've convinced him to compete in the Belle Isle Sprint Tri June 15. Maybe we can do a before and after feature then! :)
