
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To all our favorite people

Happy Holidays, everyone!

2008 was a year of plentiful travels, competitive sports, and elective surgeries (ok, just surgery). It marked the end of one career and the beginning of another, home improvements and the fostering of our new hobby, making beer! (Breakfast stout, anyone?) We've befriended our cool neighbors, made new friends and collected more wine than we can drink in 09. We now make killer hot sauce, are continuing our awesome (with the occasional unsuccessful) creations in the kitchen, and have the just the right collection of furry friends who keep us on our toes with swiffer in hand.

It's been a great year with fantastic memories, one of those years where you'd like to take a snap shot since you wouldn't change a thing. We've learned a lot about ourselves, had to lean on each other and are so thankful for our close friends and family. You're what makes our life great! Thank you!

We welcome your visits in 09. Maybe you can climb a mountain with us, show us your culinary tricks or entertain us with your witty sense of humor. Whatever it is, we've got room for you and yours!

Chris & Libbie

P.S. If you want a play by play of 08, please feel free to browse our other posts throughout the year.


Becka said...

Libbie & Chris (why should Chris always get top billing?) -

Merry Christmas!!! It has been great getting to know you this year. Becka and I are trying to catch Santa tonight...we are still up at 4:18am after going to midnight mass and coming home and wrapping gifts...and watching "A Christmas Story" (TBS is showing it 12 times in a row, so there will be another chance to see it at a more reasonable hour).

Anyway, I digress - Happy Holidays and looking forward to seeing you in 2009 (or sooner)!

David and Becka

shannonsnow said...

merry christmas chris and libbie, or "god jul" as they say in sweden. hope the new year is another 'wouldn't change a thing' years for you and your furry friends!

TNTcoach Ken said...

Happy holidays to you and looking forward to 2009 to be even better. Maybe I can grill something as my culinary thang.....

Ken & Sandy

Danny & Sue said...

it's been a great year being friends with you guys. Have we had a lot of fun or what. When I recap all the stuff we've done together, and the times I laughed so hard I thought I was going to have an apoplexy...lots of fun. Looking forward to lots more of the same in '09
