
Friday, July 25, 2008

Reducing my Carbon Footprint one Car Repair at a Time

Today is day two of ten that I will be without a car. What began as a burnt out windshield wiper motor and a pesky little "check engine" light has turned into the equivalent of paying off the mechanic's mortgage. OK maybe just paying for the month of August. Not that I'm complaining. I've been without a car payment since I paid off my '00 Jeep nearly five years ago without any expenses except oil changes and gas. My hope is that this isn't the beginning of the end.

Since I live in a pedestrian friendly town, not having a motorized vehicle isn't much of a problem. I live in close proximity to the grocery store, the doctor's office, coffee shops, restaurants and shopping. Walking from point A to point B only becomes an irritating problem when, for example, you walk a mile to the chiropractor, you're told that your health insurance plan has a $5,000 deductible, of which you have previously been unaware, you walk a mile home, call the insurance company, get it straightened out, call the doctor back and walk a mile again (this is mile three now) to the office for the original appointment losing over an hour in the process. This is just an example.

Today I have big plans to make flan for 12. I'm about to head out to the grocery store with my handled bags. As long as they're not out of whole milk, I figure I should be fine. Bring on the adventure.

1 comment:

TNTcoach Ken said...

Wow, a runner complaining about walking three miles.......ha
